About Tracy Anne

Hi everyone and welcome to my Art website.

I have always loved to draw and doodle. My drawings were always organic in nature following similar lines to plants or vines growing across the page. I started to experiment with patterns until a friend of mine asked if I had heard of the Zentangle® Method. I did some research and discovered a whole new world.

The Zentangle method was founded by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts. In June 2018 I traveled from my home in Australia to Providence RI, USA and completed a certification course. I can now proudly say that I am a Certified Zentangle Teacher.


Teaching is not new to me. For 30+ years I taught Primary School aged children in NSW schools.

During this time my love of anything to do with art or craft never waned. I bought brightly coloured pastels and drew beautiful pictures on the chalkboard related to current topics we were exploring. Sadly, the blackboards have been replaced by new, flashy interactive technology.

I took a break from teaching to complete a course in fashion technology where I particularly enjoyed learning about applied design and freestyle machine embroidery. When I returned to teaching I used my newfound expertise to create fun and original costumes for school productions.

Throughout the years I have dabbled in all sorts of Arts and crafts including silk painting, glass engraving and crochet. In doing so I have developed quite a few skills that I would love to share with others.

Since retiring from teaching in schools I have been involved with voluntary work in an aged care facility. My love of the arts and my experience in teaching steered me into the direction of teaching arts and crafts to the residents.

On this website I will share my current projects and lots of handy tips. I will also be creating some easy projects so that you can join in on the fun.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Tracy Anne

Founder of Art with Tracy Anne Wilkinson

25 thoughts on “About Tracy Anne”

  1. Hi Tracy-Anne, I’m so glad to finally come across another Aussie Zentangler.
    I was first introduced to zentangle some years ago and have just picked it up again after a rather long hiatus. I am really enjoying it and it has filled quite a few hours for me during CV19 Isolation, especially as I am in Melbourne, where we are now in our second lockdown.
    I have even started a fb page ‘Pen, Ink, Paper, Zen where I post my work.
    Your ZIA designs and videos are really enjoyable and easy to follow and I look forward to watching many more of them.

    • Hi Karen,
      I’m so glad that you are enjoying my videos. I feel for you being in such a strict lock down. I live in a small country town on the Mid North Coast of NSW. Making videos has given me a purpose during these difficult times. Keep on tangling!

  2. Hi Tracy,
    I am from India and would like to know if you take any online class. I would be interested in learning and greatly admire your videos. Plz let me know .

    • Hi Mira, I am so glad that you are enjoying my videos. I am not currently offering any online classes but I am planning to create a Patreon account pretty soon. This will be a place where I will offer classes. They will not be live but will be in real time and paced so that you can follow along. I will keep you posted on when this will be available. Thank you for your query and your support.

    • Hi Leah, I have been travelling and spending time with family. My daughter gets married next weekend so things have been busy. I return home the following week so I will resume creating videos once I get back. I’m hoping that everything will return to normal activity in a couple of weeks time.

  3. Hi Tracy,

    WOW ! I just love what you create via this Zentangler method. I would be VERY interested to learn if you have/intend to do either on line or PDF file type classes. I live on the Gold Coast, Queensland.

    Although I have dabbled and worked in different craft related jobs before retirement, I can’t get my head around just how you ‘learn’ to design original ( which is what appeals to me ) ways to form these 3D effects purely by line drawing placements.

    I look forward to hopefully hearing back from you.
    Thank you Terri

    I hope

  4. Hi Tracy,

    My name is Rebecca Lewis. I live in a kinda small city in the US in the southern state of Arkansas. I was searching through YouTube for videos on Zentangle-style drawings. So many of the videos I just could not follow. Then I found your videos. I absolutely love them. I think I could learn anything from you! You are so talented and create such lovely things, Zentangle and so much more too. You have helped me feel inspired again and encouraged to pick my pen up. I read back over the comments here, trying to get a feel for what you are woking on these days. I hope all is okay with you. Have you been able to go back to volunteering at the retirement home? My mother has had to move into one and I can see the value of your efforts in arts and crafts so much now. And I hope your daughter’s wedding went great and that they are very happy. Its so encouraging to see young love still happening in the world as it is today. Do take care. I really wanted you to know how happy I am to have found your videos and website. And that I appreciate all your work and kind contributions to our pretty blue planet.

    • Hi Rebecca, thank you for your kind comments. My family and I are all doing well, thank you for your concern. I have been taking a break from producing more videos because I have been immersed in learning more about illustration. Before Christmas I participated in a course hosted by Nina Rycroft on animal character design. The course was challenging but it unlocked so many new things for me. I am currently taking another course by Nina, ‘Picture book illustration course’. This course is intensive and it takes you through the whole process of illustrating a picture book. This is something I always wanted to do and I’m enjoying it immensely. I’m not quite sure where it will lead, I’m just enjoying the process. Once it is finished I’ll update this website. Meanwhile, if you want to see a little of what I have been doing you can find me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/artwithtracyanne/ or Facebook – art with Tracy Anne (https://www.facebook.com/wilkosart).
      Take care, happy tangling!

  5. Thank you so much, Tracy! I’m glad all is going well for you and yours. I hope you are enjoying your illustration course. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with it. I know it will be brilliant. I’ll follow the links you gave and catch up with you there. Take care and thank you!

  6. Hi Tracy Anne!
    So glad, to see, that you are still with us! :-)) I have missed your wonderful videos on youtube for a while, and started to fear… I am a 73 year old senior from Germany, oving your art and enjoying it emensely to learn a lot of Zentangle stuff from you living in Australia. The world is small… Now that I know you are working on a picture book, I am looking forward to see it in the net one day! It will be great, I know that! Go on having fun with it! Hoping to see you back on youtube soon, I wish all the best for you and your family!
    With great respect! Frauke

  7. Hi Tracy!
    I hope you are doing fine and live healthy and happy! I enjoy your new videos on youtube a lot, and love to tangle with you.
    There is a series of videos with histories of worldwide illustration and illustration artist, very informativ and beautiful made. I thought you might be interested and like it too. The creator is Pete Beard, maybe you know the series? Otherwise here is a link for you https://youtu.be/oTBVY4jGrW8
    Hopefully you enjoy his work as I do!
    Have a good time!
    With regards and a smile Frauke
    My e-mail adress: finmerenesum@t-online.de

    • Hi Frauke,
      Sorry that it has taken so long to respond to you. I have had a busy time as I have recently moved my parents into my home. I had to do lots of rearranging and moving to fit their belongings into my home. They are both in their 80’s and my father has cancer so it is nice to have them close by.
      The videos you mention sound interesting, thank you for the link.
      Take care!

  8. I am new to tangling, but just love it. I have made all the items on your videos that are on your website, but I am hoping for more. Are there some for 2022? I tried to find you on Facebook, but got a message that it closed, is that true. I just love your work and am eager for more!

    • Hi Roberta,
      Yes I have quite a few more videos than the ones listed on this website. I am in the process of moving all of my Zentangle work to it’s own website: tanglewithtracyanne.com
      I intend to eventually use this website for my illustration work.
      The easiest way to find all of the videos that I have made is to go directly to my YouTube channel. You can just search Tracy Anne Wilkinson on YouTube but here is the link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8dq3MTDeA922jyfaL9icUA
      I do have a Facebook page – tangle with Tracy Anne https://www.facebook.com/tanglewithtracyanne/
      I deleted my Facebook group. If you follow my Facebook page, I provide a link to every video I post on YouTube.
      I did have a break for a few months but I am back to creating weekly videos now.
      Thank you for your kind comments,
      Happy tangling!

  9. Hi Tracy,
    I recently found Zentangle art and have had lots of fun trying various designs. More recently I found your channel and I absolutely love your designs, and your teaching method. My first attempt at drawing your dragonfly was mostly successful and wondered if you will be doing more “insect” type drawings in the future? I’m definitely going to frame my dragonfly, thank you for this tutorial, it has been great fun!
    With kind regards (from NZ)

    • Hi Anj,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I’m so glad that you are enjoying Zentangle inspired art. I do have a class in mind on beetles. I have experimented and come up with a fun lesson but I’m tossing up on whether to publish it on YouTube or to make a class using procreate for Skillshare. I may even do both. It is a bit more involved than my usual weekly videos so I have to decide on maybe splitting it into a series of videos or just having one jumbo lesson. I’ll let you know when I finally publish this tutorial.

  10. Hello Tracy,
    My Name is Barbara Flower from (FLORIDA). I actually observed my Husband has been viewing your website on my laptop and i guess he likes your pieces of works. I


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